Source code for foampy.dictionaries

"""Functions for reading and writing dictionaries."""

from __future__ import division, print_function
import os

system_dicts = ["controlDict", "snappyHexMeshDict", "fvSchemes", "fvSolution",
                "fvOptions", "decomposeParDict", "topoSetDict", "blockMeshDict"]
constant_dicts = ["dynamicMeshDict", "RASProperties", "transportProperties",

upper_rule = ("// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * "
             "* * * * * * * * * * * * //")
lower_rule = ("// **********************************************"
             "*************************** //")

[docs]def build_header(dictobject="", version="2.3.x", fileclass="dictionary", incl_foamfile=True): """Creates the header for an OpenFOAM dictionary. Inputs are the object and version.""" txt = \ r"""/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\ | ========= | | | \\ / F ield | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox | | \\ / O peration | Version: {} | | \\ / A nd | Web: | | \\/ M anipulation | | \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/""".format(version) if incl_foamfile: txt += \ r""" FoamFile {{ version 2.0; format ascii; class {}; object {}; }}""".format(fileclass, dictobject) return txt
[docs]def replace_value(dictpath, keyword, newvalue): """Replace a value in a dictionary.""" newvalue = str(newvalue) with open(dictpath) as f: in_block = False lines = f.readlines() single_line = True for n in range(len(lines)): sl = lines[n].split() if len(sl) > 0 and sl[0] == keyword: nstart = n if not ";" in lines[n]: in_block = True single_line = False if ";" in lines[n] and in_block: in_block = False nend = n if single_line: oldvalue = lines[nstart].replace(";", "").split()[1] newvalue = lines[nstart].replace(oldvalue, newvalue) new_text = lines[:nstart] + [newvalue] + lines[nstart+1:] else: new_text = lines[:nstart] + [newvalue] + lines[nend+1:] with open(dictpath, "w") as f: for line in new_text: f.write(line)
[docs]def read_text(dictpath, keyword): with open(dictpath) as f: in_block = False lines = f.readlines() single_line = True for n in range(len(lines)): sl = lines[n].split() if len(sl) > 0 and sl[0] == keyword: nstart = n if not ";" in lines[n]: in_block = True single_line = False if ";" in lines[n] and in_block: in_block = False nend = n return lines[nstart:nend+1]
[docs]def read_single_line_value(dictname=None, dictpath=None, keyword="", dtype=float, casedir="./"): """Read value from a dictionary that appears on a single line.""" if dictpath is None and dictname is not None: if dictname in system_dicts: dictpath = os.path.join(casedir, "system", dictname) elif dictname in constant_dicts: dictpath = os.path.join(casedir, "constant", dictname) elif dictpath is None and dictname is None: raise ValueError("Neither dictionary name nor dictionary path supplied") with open(dictpath) as f: for line in f.readlines(): line = line.strip() if ";" in line: ls = line.replace(";", " ").split() if ls[0] == keyword: return dtype(ls[1])