Source code for foampy.core

"""Core functionality for foamPy."""

from __future__ import division, print_function
import numpy as np
import os
import re
import datetime
import sys
import time
import subprocess
import pandas
import glob
from .dictionaries import *
from .templates import *

[docs]def gen_stripped_lines(fpath): with open(fpath) as f: for line in f.readlines(): yield line.replace("(", " ").replace(")", " ")
[docs]def load_forces(casedir="./", object_name="forces", start_time=0): """Load forces and moments as a pandas DataFrame.""" glob_string = os.path.join( casedir, "postProcessing/{}/{}/forces*.dat".format(object_name, start_time) ) fpath = sorted(glob.glob(glob_string))[-1] data = np.loadtxt(gen_stripped_lines(fpath)) df = pandas.DataFrame() df["time"] = data[:, 0] df["fx_pressure"] = data[:, 1] df["fx_viscous"] = data[:, 4] df["fx_porous"] = data[:, 7] df["fy_pressure"] = data[:, 2] df["fy_viscous"] = data[:, 5] df["fy_porous"] = data[:, 8] df["fz_pressure"] = data[:, 3] df["fz_viscous"] = data[:, 6] df["fz_porous"] = data[:, 9] df["mx_pressure"] = data[:, 10] df["mx_viscous"] = data[:, 13] df["mx_porous"] = data[:, 16] df["my_pressure"] = data[:, 11] df["my_viscous"] = data[:, 14] df["my_porous"] = data[:, 17] df["mz_pressure"] = data[:, 12] df["mz_viscous"] = data[:, 15] df["mz_porous"] = data[:, 18] for fm in ["f", "m"]: for component in ["x", "y", "z"]: df[fm + component] = df[fm + component + "_pressure"] \ + df[fm + component + "_viscous"] \ + df[fm + component + "_porous"] return df
[docs]def load_probes_data(casedir="./", object_name="probes", start_time=0, field_name="U"): """Load probes data as pandas ``DataFrame``.""" fpath = os.path.join(casedir, "postProcessing", object_name, str(start_time), field_name) # First get probe locations to use as column names with open(fpath) as f: txt = probe_lines = re.findall(r"# Probe \d.*\n", txt) probe_locs = [] for line in probe_lines: probe_locs.append(line.split("(")[-1].split(")")[0].split()) data = np.loadtxt(gen_stripped_lines(fpath)) df = pandas.DataFrame() df["time"] = data[:, 0] # Determine the rank of the data nprobes = len(probe_locs) nsamps = data.shape[0] dims = (data.shape[1] - 1) // nprobes for n, probe_loc in enumerate(probe_locs): probe_loc = [float(pl) for pl in probe_loc] d = data[:, n + 1:n + dims + 1] if dims > 1: d = [tuple(p) for p in d] df[tuple(probe_loc)] = d return df
[docs]def load_torque_drag(casedir="", folder="0", filename=None, torque_axis="z", drag_axis="x"): """Loads time, z-axis torque, and streamwise force from specified forces folder. Case name can be left empty if running within a case folder.""" # Create empty lists t = [] fpx = []; fpy = []; fpz = [] fpox = []; fpoy = []; fpoz = [] fvx = []; fvy = []; fvz = [] mpx = []; mpy = []; mpz = [] mpox = []; mpoy = []; mpoz = [] mvx = []; mvy = []; mvz = [] # Cycle through file if casedir: casedir += "/" if not filename: filename = "forces.dat" with open(casedir+"postProcessing/forces/"+str(folder)+"/"+filename, "r") as f: for line in f.readlines(): line = line.replace("(", "") line = line.replace(")", "") line = line.replace(",", " ") line = line.split() if line[0] != "#": t.append(float(line[0])) fpx.append(float(line[1])) fpy.append(float(line[2])) fpz.append(float(line[3])) fvx.append(float(line[4])) fvy.append(float(line[5])) fvz.append(float(line[6])) fpox.append(float(line[7])) fpoy.append(float(line[8])) fpoz.append(float(line[9])) mpx.append(float(line[10])) mpy.append(float(line[11])) mpz.append(float(line[12])) mvx.append(float(line[13])) mvy.append(float(line[14])) mvz.append(float(line[15])) mpox.append(float(line[16])) mpoy.append(float(line[17])) mpoz.append(float(line[18])) #Convert to numpy arrays t = np.asarray(t) if torque_axis == "z": torque = np.asarray(np.asarray(mpz) + np.asarray(mvz)) elif torque_axis == "x": torque = np.asarray(np.asarray(mpx) + np.asarray(mvx)) if drag_axis == "x": drag = np.asarray(np.asarray(fpx) + np.asarray(fvx)) return t, torque, drag
[docs]def load_all_torque_drag(casedir="", torque_axis="z", drag_axis="x"): t, torque, drag = np.array([]), np.array([]), np.array([]) if casedir: casedir += "/" folders = sorted(os.listdir(casedir+"postProcessing/forces")) for folder in folders: files = sorted(os.listdir(casedir+"postProcessing/forces/"+folder)) for f in files: t1, torque1, drag1 = load_torque_drag(casedir=casedir, folder=folder, filename=f, torque_axis=torque_axis, drag_axis=drag_axis) t = np.append(t, t1) torque = np.append(torque, torque1) drag = np.append(drag, drag1) return t, torque, drag
[docs]def load_theta_omega(casedir="", t_interp=[], theta_units="degrees"): """Import omega from ``dynamicMeshDict`` table. Returns t, theta, omega (rad/s) where theta is calculated using the trapezoidal rule. `t_interp` is a keyword argument for an array over which omega and theta will be interpolated. """ t = [] omega = [] if casedir != "": casedir += "/" with open(casedir+"constant/dynamicMeshDict", "r") as f: regex = r"\d+.\d+" for line in f.readlines(): match = re.findall(regex, line) if len(match)==2: t.append(float(match[0])) omega.append(float(match[1])) omega = np.asarray(omega) t = np.asarray(t) # Integrate omega to obtain theta theta = np.zeros(len(t)) for n in range(len(t)): theta[n] = np.trapz(omega[:n], t[:n]) # If provided, interpolate omega to match t vector if len(t_interp) > 0: omega = np.interp(t_interp, t, omega) theta = np.interp(t_interp, t, theta) if theta_units == "degrees": theta = theta/np.pi*180 return t, theta, omega
[docs]def load_set(casedir="./", name="profile", quantity="U", fmt="xy", axis="xyz"): """Import text data created with the OpenFOAM sample utility.""" folder = os.path.join(casedir, "postProcessing", "sets") t = [] times = os.listdir(folder) for time1 in times: try: float(time1) except ValueError: times.remove(time1) try: t.append(int(time1)) except ValueError: t.append(float(time1)) t.sort() data = {"time" : t} for ts in t: filename = "{folder}/{time}/{name}_{q}.{fmt}".format(folder=folder, time=ts, name=name, q=quantity, fmt=fmt) with open(filename) as f: d = np.loadtxt(f) if quantity == "U": data[ts] = {"u" : d[:, len(axis)], "v" : d[:, len(axis)+1], "w" : d[:, len(axis)+2]} if len(axis) == 1: data[ts][axis] = d[:,0] else: data[ts]["x"] = d[:,0] data[ts]["y"] = d[:,1] data[ts]["z"] = d[:,2] return data
[docs]def load_sample_xy(casedir="./", profile="U"): """Import text data created with the OpenFOAM sample utility.""" folder = os.path.join(casedir, "postProcessing", "sets") t = [] times = os.listdir(folder) for time1 in times: try: float(time1) except ValueError: times.remove(time1) try: t.append(int(time1)) except ValueError: t.append(float(time1)) t.sort() # Load a y vector from a single file since they are identical with open(folder+"/0/profile_"+profile+".xy") as f: y = np.loadtxt(f)[:,0] if profile == "U": u = np.zeros((len(y), len(times))) v = np.zeros((len(y), len(times))) elif profile == "R": uu = np.zeros((len(y), len(times))) uv = np.zeros((len(y), len(times))) uw = np.zeros((len(y), len(times))) vv = np.zeros((len(y), len(times))) vw = np.zeros((len(y), len(times))) ww = np.zeros((len(y), len(times))) for n in range(len(times)): with open(folder+"/"+str(t[n])+"/profile_"+profile+".xy") as f: data = np.loadtxt(f) if profile == "U": u[:,n] = data[:,1] v[:,n] = data[:,2] elif profile == "R": uu[:,n] = data[:,1] uv[:,n] = data[:,2] uw[:,n] = data[:,3] vv[:,n] = data[:,4] vw[:,n] = data[:,5] ww[:,n] = data[:,6] t = np.asarray(t, dtype=float) if profile == "U": data = {"t" : t, "u" : u, "v": v, "y" : y} elif profile == "R": data = {"t" : t, "uu" : uu, "vv": vv, "ww" : ww, "uv" : uv, "y" : y} return data
[docs]def get_endtime(): """Get run ``endTime``.""" with open("system/controlDict", "r") as f: for line in f.readlines(): line = line.replace(";", "").split() if "endTime" in line and line[0] == "endTime": endtime = float(line[1]) return endtime
[docs]def get_deltat(casedir="./"): """Get run ``deltaT``.""" fpath = os.path.join(casedir, "system", "controlDict") with open(fpath) as f: for line in f.readlines(): line = line.replace(";", "").split() if "deltaT" in line and line[0] == "deltaT": deltat = float(line[1]) return deltat
[docs]def get_ncells(casedir="./", logname="log.checkMesh", keyword="cells", autogen=True): fpath = os.path.join(casedir, logname) if not os.path.isfile(fpath) and autogen: start_dir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(casedir) run("checkMesh", args="-time 0") os.chdir(start_dir) if keyword == "cells": keyword = "cells:" with open(fpath) as f: for line in f.readlines(): ls = line.split() if ls and ls[0] == keyword: value = ls[1] return int(value)
[docs]def get_max_courant_no(): with open("system/controlDict") as f: for line in f.readlines(): if ";" in line: ls = line.replace(";", " ").split() if ls[0] == "maxCo": return float(ls[1])
[docs]def read_dict(dictname=None, dictpath=None, casedir="./"): """Read an OpenFOAM dict into a Python dict. Right now this is quite crude, but gets the job done decently for 1 word parameters.""" foamdict = {} if dictpath is None and dictname is not None: if dictname in system_dicts: p = "system/" + dictname elif dictname in constant_dicts: p = "constant/" + dictname dictpath = os.path.join(casedir, p) with open(dictpath) as f: for line in f.readlines(): if ";" in line: line = line.replace(";", "") line = line.split() if len(line) > 1: foamdict[line[0]] = line[1] return foamdict
[docs]def read_case(): """Will eventually read all case dicts and put in a hierarchy of dicts.""" pass
[docs]def gen_dynmeshdict(U, R, meantsr, cellzone="AMIsurface", rpm_fluc=3.7, npoints=400, axis="(0 0 1)", direction=1): """Generates a dynamicMeshDict for a given U, R, meantsr, and an optional rpm fluctuation amplitude. Phase is fixed.""" meanomega = meantsr*U/R if npoints > 0: amp_omega = rpm_fluc*2*np.pi/60.0 endtime = get_endtime() t = np.linspace(0, endtime, npoints) omega = meanomega + amp_omega*np.sin(3*meanomega*t - np.pi/1.2) # Write to file top = \ r"""/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\ | ========= | | | \\ / F ield | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox | | \\ / O peration | Version: 2.3.x | | \\ / A nd | Web: | | \\/ M anipulation | | \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ FoamFile { version 2.0; format ascii; class dictionary; object dynamicMeshDict; } dynamicFvMesh solidBodyMotionFvMesh; motionSolverLibs (""); solidBodyMotionFvMeshCoeffs { cellZone """ + cellzone +"""; solidBodyMotionFunction rotatingMotion; rotatingMotionCoeffs { origin\t\t(0 0 0); axis\t\t""" + axis + ";\n" if npoints > 0: top += """ omega\t\ttable ( """ """Table should be in form (t0 omega0) (t1 omega1) """ table = "" for n in range(len(t)-1): table += " (" + str(t[n]) + " " + str(omega[n]) + ")\n" table += " (" + str(t[-1]) + " " + str(omega[-1]) + ")" bottom = """ ); } }""" alltxt = top + table + bottom else: alltxt = top + "\n omega\t\t" + str(direction*meanomega)\ + ";\n }\n}\n" with open("constant/dynamicMeshDict", "w") as f: f.write(alltxt)
[docs]def get_solver_times(casedir="./", solver=None, log_fpath=None, window=400): """Read last N lines from file solver log and return t (current Time), `deltaT`, and `clockTime`. """ if log_fpath is None and solver is None: log_fpath = "log." + read_dict("controlDict", casedir=casedir)["application"] if not os.path.isfile(log_fpath): log_fpath = glob.glob(os.path.join(casedir, "log.*Foam"))[0] elif log_fpath is None and solver is not None: log_fpath = os.path.join(casedir, "log." + solver) with open(log_fpath, "rb") as f: BUFSIZ = 1024 # True if open() was overridden and file was opened in text # mode. In that case readlines() will return unicode strings # instead of bytes. encoded = getattr(f, "encoding", False) CR = "\n" if encoded else b"\n" data = "" if encoded else b"", os.SEEK_END) fsize = f.tell() block = -1 exit = False while not exit: step = (block * BUFSIZ) if abs(step) >= fsize: newdata = - (abs(step) - fsize)) exit = True else:, os.SEEK_END) newdata = data = newdata + data if data.count(CR) >= window: break else: block -= 1 log = data.splitlines()[-window:] t = [] clocktime = [] exectime = [] deltat = [] for entry in log: try: line = entry.split() if line[0] == b"Time": t.append(float(line[-1])) if b"ClockTime" in line: clocktime.append(float(line[-2])) if b"ExecutionTime" in line: exectime.append(float(line[2])) if b"deltaT" in line: deltat.append(float(line[-1])) except: pass return {"time": t, "delta_t": deltat, "exectime": exectime, "clocktime": clocktime}
[docs]def monitor_progress(): """Monitor solver progress.""" controldict = read_dict("controlDict") endtime = float(controldict["endTime"]) done = False try: while not done: for d in os.listdir("./"): try: if float(d) == endtime: done = True except: pass solver_times = get_solver_times() t = solver_times["time"] deltat = solver_times["delta_t"] exectime = solver_times["exectime"] try: t_per_step = exectime[-1] - exectime[-2] tps2 = exectime[-2] - exectime[-3] t_per_step = (t_per_step + tps2)/2 except IndexError: solver_times = get_solver_times(window=2000) t = solver_times["time"] deltat = solver_times["delta_t"] exectime = solver_times["exectime"] t_per_step = exectime[-1] - exectime[-2] try: deltat = deltat[-1] except IndexError: deltat = get_deltat() percent_done = int(t[-1]/endtime*100) time_left, solve_rate = endtime - t[-1], t_per_step/deltat/3600 slt = time_left*solve_rate solve_time_left = str(datetime.timedelta(hours=slt))[:-7] print("\r" + " "*66, end="") print("\r[{}%] - solving at {:0.2f} h/s - {} remaining".format\ (percent_done, solve_rate, solve_time_left), end="") time.sleep(1) print("\nEnd") except KeyboardInterrupt: print("")
[docs]def read_log_end(logname, nlines=20): """Read last lines from log and return as a list.""" window = nlines with open("log."+logname, "rb") as f: BUFSIZ = 1024 # True if open() was overridden and file was opened in text # mode. In that case readlines() will return unicode strings # instead of bytes. encoded = getattr(f, 'encoding', False) CR = '\n' if encoded else b'\n' data = '' if encoded else b'', os.SEEK_END) fsize = f.tell() block = -1 exit = False while not exit: step = (block * BUFSIZ) if abs(step) >= fsize: newdata = - (abs(step) - fsize)) exit = True else:, os.SEEK_END) newdata = data = newdata + data if data.count(CR) >= window: break else: block -= 1 log = data.splitlines()[-window:] return [line.decode("utf-8") for line in log]
[docs]def get_n_processors(casedir="./", dictpath="system/decomposeParDict"): """Read number of processors from decomposeParDict.""" dictpath = os.path.join(casedir, dictpath) with open(dictpath) as f: for line in f.readlines(): line = line.strip().replace(";", " ") if line: line = line.split() if line[0] == "numberOfSubdomains": return int(line[1])
[docs]def run(appname, tee=False, logname=None, parallel=False, nproc=None, args=[], overwrite=False, append=False): """Run an application.""" if logname is None: logname = "log." + appname if os.path.isfile(logname) and not overwrite and not append: raise IOError(logname + " exists; remove or use overwrite=True") if nproc is not None: if nproc > 1: parallel = True if parallel and nproc is None: nproc = get_n_processors() if isinstance(args, list): args = " ".join(args) if parallel: cmd = "mpirun -np {nproc} {app} -parallel {args}" else: cmd = "{app} {args}" if tee: cmd += " 2>&1 | tee {logname}" if append: cmd += " -a" else: cmd += " > {logname} 2>&1" if append: cmd = cmd.replace(" > ", " >> ") if parallel: print("Running {appname} on {n} processors".format(appname=appname, n=nproc)) else: print("Running " + appname), app=appname, args=args, logname=logname), shell=True)
[docs]def run_parallel(appname, **kwargs): """Run application in parallel.""" run(appname, parallel=True, **kwargs)
[docs]def summary(casedir="./", **extra_params): """Summarize a case and return as a pandas Series. Parameters ---------- casedir : str Case directory to be summarized. extra_params : dict Key/value pairs for keywords and the functions that return their respective values. """ s = pandas.Series() s["delta_t"] = get_deltat(casedir=casedir) s["n_cells"] = get_ncells(casedir=casedir) td = get_solver_times(casedir=casedir) s["simulated_time"] = td["time"][-1] s["clocktime"] = td["clocktime"][-1] s["exectime"] = td["exectime"][-1] for key, val in extra_params.items(): s[key] = val return s
[docs]def clean(leave_mesh=False, remove_zero=False, extra=[]): """Clean case.""" if not leave_mesh:". $WM_PROJECT_DIR/bin/tools/CleanFunctions && " "cleanCase", shell=True) else:". $WM_PROJECT_DIR/bin/tools/CleanFunctions && " "cleanTimeDirectories && cleanDynamicCode", shell=True)"rm -rf postProcessing", shell=True) if remove_zero:"rm -rf 0", shell=True) if extra: if not isinstance(extra, list): extra = [extra] for item in extra: print("Removing", item)"rm -rf {}".format(item), shell=True)